College Station, TX

Saturday, October 15, 2011


It has been a roller coaster 2 months here in Virginia. I've had good days and I've had some not so good days. Ok, so I've had some really really crappy days! One thing I'm learning, though, is God's timing is perfect, and He has wonderful plans for us! It's not always easy to see, and I struggle with it every day.. Why am I in this new place with no family, I barely know anyone, I didn't get the job I wanted, I'm getting paid less than I expected, I have to work nights, all my friends from school got jobs in the areas they wanted, and if I had stayed in Texas I could have too, my husband is gone to Key West for 2 weeks doing what he WANTS to do, and at some point in the near future will leave me here alone for 6+ months at a time...

I've been going to this bible study for military wives on Tuesday mornings and we've been doing this devotional "Tour of Duty...Preparing our Hearts for Deployment" by Sara Horn. 

This past week we read the passage in Genesis about Joseph and how his brothers were jealous that he was the favored son so they sold him. He ends up in prison, and because he has so much faith in God, he ends up working his way to the top. He credits God with being able to interpret the dreams of a cupbearer and a baker, and tells them to not forget about him, and to tell the Pharaoh what he has done. Well, they forgot, and it was 2 years later before they remember Joseph. But God never forgot Joseph! His timing is perfect, and there was a reason it took them 2 years.. The Pharaoh had 2 disturbing dreams that he couldn't find the meaning of. The cupbearer then remembered Joseph, so they sent for him. With help from God, Joseph was able to interpret the Pharaoh's dreams and explained that Egypt would have 7 years of abundance followed by 7 years of famine. Unless they took immediate action and placed someone very wise in charge of grain storage, Egypt would face ruin. Enter Joseph as the someone very wise! He became basically #2 in charge of Egypt and saved tons of people from starvation! WOW!! 

I like to think that's how I ended up here in Virginia with my super cute husband and my new job! Did I ever think this is where I would be at 24? Nope! I was planning on graduating from A&M and moving to Colorado with Anne and Dave to be their slave laborer! I've never been much of a beach person... mountains please!! Then I met Nick... who is in the Navy... which operates at sea... meaning they have ports at the beach... which would be why I now live at the beach and not in the Rockies :) But if it weren't for all these "detours" and unexpected backroads, I would never have made it here. And if we didn't have the "downs" how would we be reminded that we need Jesus?? If our lives were perfectly smooth, everything was perfect and went as planned, it would be easy to forget that He is responsible for it all!

My friend Sarah and I were having what I will call "off days" last Saturday when our husbands left for Key West. I asked her if she would like to come with me to the bible study on Tuesday morning and she said yes! She ended up loving it, and bought the devotional that day, and asked off work for as many of the following Tuesdays as possible so she could keep going. She said it was "perfect" and just what she needed. She said she grew up going to church but hasn't been for a while. Maybe all my struggles with this military life lead me to sign up for the bible study so that I could help bring a friend back to church. Maybe that's far fetched, but I like to think it could have something to do with it. And if that's the case, it's totally worth it.

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